7 causes of back pain

7 causes of back pain

Many reasons can cause back pain. There are seven main reasons.

1️⃣ Use incorrect gestures. Often occurs for people who work for a humpback for a long time. Standing, bending over, frequently when working, and sleeping on the bed that is too soft.


2️⃣ Sprain back from abnormal movements, such as bent over, lift heavy objects, play sports, or have road accidents.


3️⃣ Spinal disc herniation often found in people who carry heavy objects- causing pain in the lower legs, unable to bend, and lift the body. Some people may experience numbness or weak muscles.


4️⃣ Spine degeneration often found in the elderly. Will have recurrent back pain; resting can relieve their pain.


5️⃣ Cumulative stress will affect the muscles and stimulate the body to cause stress. When accumulated for a long time, it will cause pain in the back, shoulders, and neck.


6️⃣ Kidney disease may cause back pain due to disorder at the lumbar area around the rib cage, which can reach the stomach and genitals


7️⃣ Scoliosis is a malformation of the spine bend, twist, to the side, which causes pain in the back, sore ribs, and muscle contractions.

If back pain has not improved after one month, it is considered a chronic condition that may have severe spinal problems. We recommend you see a medical professional for treatment.

CR: www.happyoppy.com

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